Lil' Onions Program
Program will be available April through the end of September Monday through Thursday on a month-to-month schedule. This is where we begin to connect with the little human being so that we may provide the best experience possible. The important part of our program at these ages is to help the kiddos gain strength and confidence in his/her body by continuing to develop their gross motor skills. This way as they continue to grow, evolve and develop they are hopefully less susceptible to getting injured and can find themselves taking on more complex activities. We are here to support, guide, and encourage this age group by having loads of fun and training smart, that is what our U2-U4 Lil' Onions program is all about.
Our focus once again is to provide children regardless of skill level the opportunity to develop socially, technically, physically, in a positive supportive safe environment.
U2-Parent Interactive
Introduction to futbol
Learning by doing
Parent interactive

Introduction to futbol
Learning by doing

U2-Parent Interactive - one parent is required to be on the field at all times with their kiddo.
Practice Times - 50-minute training sessions Monday through Thursday mornings starting at 9am with U2 followed by U3-U4 at 10am. Also, we will begin to work on their futbol foundation which is dribbling, passing/receiving, and shooting. Trainings will always end with a friendly scrimmage.
Parents - are welcome to kick the ball with their kids prior to the start of the training session. Once the session begins parents are no longer allowed to come onto the field for any reason. Excludes our U2 parent interactive session.
Registration - Program runs Monday through Thursday with registration being month to month. The cost is $135.00 per month for a total of 8 trainings. Very important when registering, only click on one of the days and make sure to fill out the message box with your prefer second day and we will update it on the schedule. Please make sure to print/sign waiver for each participant and have it with you on your first day. Navigating the calendar, use left or right arrows to scroll through the days and months. Once you select the days, those are your training days for the rest of the month. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@lilonionsffk.com.
Lets go... come on down to the field below and click on a month to register.

U2 Train at 9am... 15 kids max
U3-U4 Train at 10am... 15 kids max
April 4,5,6,7
May 2,3,4,5
June 6,7,8,9
July 4,5,6,7
Aug. 1,2,3,4
Sept. 5,6,7,8